BPPBJ DKI Jakarta Odoo Versi 12.0-20211006

Informasi tentang BPPBJ DKI Jakarta contoh Odoo, Sumber terbuka.

Aplikasi diinstal

Situs Web
Enterprise website builder
Invoices & Payments
Sell your products online
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
Pengaduan E-order
Additional Features for e-Order DKI
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
MFA e-Order DKI (Additional Features)
Additional Features for e-Order DKI Created by MFA
MFA Rest API (for e-Order)
Restful Api Service for e-Order Created by MFA
Odoo Rest API (for e-Order)
Restful Api Service
Website Show Password
Odoo Website Show Password allows you to view password at the time of login and signup.
Manage a forum with FAQ and Q&A